Konsultan Penulisan & Penerbit Buku

Tingkatkan kualitas penulisan buku dan karya tulis ilmiah Anda bersama pakar kami yang berpengalaman.

Tentang Muharika Rumah Ilmiah

CV. Muharika Rumah Ilmiah adalah sebuah perusahaan milik anak bangsa Indonesia yang bergerak dibidang jasa, pelayanan, konsultasi penelitian dan penulisan karya ilmiah berupa buku-buku pendidikan dan hasil penelitian. Perusahaan ini telah menjadi anggota IKAPI dengan nomor 018/SDA/20 semenjak tahun 2020. Perusahaan ini berdiri pada tahun 2019 yang pada awalnya hanya memberikan layanan pengajuan ISBN ke perpustakaan nasional, namun karena kebutuhan untuk menulis buku berstandar kualitas KEMDIKBUD dengan karakteristik dan jenis buku pendidikan yang variatif dosen/pendidik kesulitan menulis buku. Jasa konsultasi dan pelatihan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan kami ini merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri pendidik dan peneliti untuk menyebarluaskan karya aslinya berupa buku ajar, monograf, referensi maupun modul yang telah ditulis melalui proses edukasi dari perusahaan kami

An open book with dense text lies on a dark, glossy surface, accompanied by a pen resting horizontally between the pages. In the background, a laptop with a partially visible screen enhances the academic atmosphere.
An open book with dense text lies on a dark, glossy surface, accompanied by a pen resting horizontally between the pages. In the background, a laptop with a partially visible screen enhances the academic atmosphere.

Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Berkualitas

Kami memiliki standar khusus dalam menerbitkan buku pendidikan. Dengan para pakar yang memberikan konsultasi dan memandu untuk menyusun dan menulis buku pendidikan. Buku Ajar, Monograf dan Buku Referensi

Serahkan konsultasi & publikasi buku Anda pada perusahaan kami...

Layanan Penulisan KTI

Kami menyediakan jasa penulisan karya tulis ilmiah yang berkualitas dan profesional.

Konsultasi Penulisan
A close-up view of a page from a book, featuring columns of printed text with some words in uppercase for emphasis. The text appears neatly organized in paragraphs, and black ink is used on a white or slightly off-white paper background.
A close-up view of a page from a book, featuring columns of printed text with some words in uppercase for emphasis. The text appears neatly organized in paragraphs, and black ink is used on a white or slightly off-white paper background.

Dapatkan bimbingan dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah dari para ahli kami.

A classroom filled with students deeply focused on writing in their notebooks. The students, dressed uniformly, are seated in wooden desks lined in neat rows. The room is adorned with educational posters and has a large window allowing natural light to illuminate the space.
A classroom filled with students deeply focused on writing in their notebooks. The students, dressed uniformly, are seated in wooden desks lined in neat rows. The room is adorned with educational posters and has a large window allowing natural light to illuminate the space.
A person with a beard is sitting at a desk, focused on writing on a sheet of paper with a pen. The paper is filled with handwritten text. The person is wearing a white shirt and appears to be concentrating on the task. A ruler is placed on the paper.
A person with a beard is sitting at a desk, focused on writing on a sheet of paper with a pen. The paper is filled with handwritten text. The person is wearing a white shirt and appears to be concentrating on the task. A ruler is placed on the paper.
Pelatihan Penulisan

Ikuti pelatihan penulisan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menyusun karya tulis ilmiah.

Kami siap membantu Anda dalam menyusun dan merevisi karya tulis ilmiah.

Revisi Karya Tulis
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Layanan penulisan KTI sangat membantu, bimbingan yang baik dan profesional dari tim muharika rumah ilmiah.


A close-up view of a printed German text, slightly blurred in the foreground and background, with a focus on the middle section. The document appears to be formal or academic in nature.
A close-up view of a printed German text, slightly blurred in the foreground and background, with a focus on the middle section. The document appears to be formal or academic in nature.

Saya sangat puas dengan hasil KTI saya, semuanya terstruktur dengan baik dan cepat selesai.

Alif Bunayya

A group of people wearing colorful traditional attire, with one person in a vibrant turban writing or reviewing a paper using a pen. Another person also dressed in traditional clothing holds a notepad, which appears to have handwritten notes. The setting is outdoors with natural lighting.
A group of people wearing colorful traditional attire, with one person in a vibrant turban writing or reviewing a paper using a pen. Another person also dressed in traditional clothing holds a notepad, which appears to have handwritten notes. The setting is outdoors with natural lighting.

Proyek Penulisan

Kami membantu Anda dalam menyusun karya tulis ilmiah berkualitas.

A person with a watch on their wrist is holding a pen and writing on a notebook. There are multiple sheets of paper around the notebook, filled with handwritten text. The scene suggests a study or work environment, with attention focused on writing.
A person with a watch on their wrist is holding a pen and writing on a notebook. There are multiple sheets of paper around the notebook, filled with handwritten text. The scene suggests a study or work environment, with attention focused on writing.
Karya Ilmiah

Pembuatan dan penyuntingan karya tulis ilmiah yang profesional.

Silhouetted hands holding a pen, writing on lined paper with an open book visible in the background.
Silhouetted hands holding a pen, writing on lined paper with an open book visible in the background.
Bimbingan Penulisan

Dapatkan bimbingan untuk menyusun karya tulis ilmiah Anda.

A close-up view of an open book, displaying printed text in paragraphs with a focus on a specific passage. The text is clear and in a serif font, indicating a formal or scholarly tone. One page is slightly out of focus, creating depth.
A close-up view of an open book, displaying printed text in paragraphs with a focus on a specific passage. The text is clear and in a serif font, indicating a formal or scholarly tone. One page is slightly out of focus, creating depth.
Two people are seated at a table, focused on writing in notebooks. The woman on the left is wearing a green sweater and is concentrating on her work. The woman on the right has dark hair and is wearing a dark shirt, also engaged in writing. There are name tags on their clothing. The setting appears to be a meeting or workshop with other attendees in the background.
Two people are seated at a table, focused on writing in notebooks. The woman on the left is wearing a green sweater and is concentrating on her work. The woman on the right has dark hair and is wearing a dark shirt, also engaged in writing. There are name tags on their clothing. The setting appears to be a meeting or workshop with other attendees in the background.
Konsultasi KTI

Konsultasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas karya tulis ilmiah Anda.

Pelatihan Penulisan

Pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis karya ilmiah.